The Person Recognisable as Me
Sublimation dye print on velvet

The Person Recognisable as Me is a digital reconstruction of a visual memory using only images found via Google searches. An accompanying text describes an encounter in which an attempt at authenticity begins to feel like a disingenuous performance. Linguistic rules and aesthetic choices destabilise memory and identity, revealing frictions between a desire to create a ‘faithful’ account, and the seduction of ‘good’ storytelling.

This work was exhibited as part of The Naming of Things at Castlefield Gallery, Manchester, 2021. Exhibition documentation by Jules Lister.
The title is taken from the short story Old Hope by Clare Sestanovich.

Installation view of The Naming of Things at Castlefield Gallery, 2021. Works pictured by Bryony Dawson and Jessica Higgins. Documentation by Jules Lister.